Rock Your Affiliate Program

Bonus: Debrief - Behind the Scenes of Our Affiliate Program

Bonus: Debrief - Behind the Scenes of Our Affiliate Program

In this video, I walk you through our May 2020 launch in which we 4Xed our revenue from our previous launch!

I'll show you what we did for our very own partner program so that you can learn from the things that went well, and from the things that went not so well. I'm spilling it all! 



You can go directly to each question by selecting the corresponding marker on the play bar of the video.

  • [34:00] Pamela: How much time prior to launch is optimal for the Activation Phase and getting partners on board and excited?
  • [37:41] Billy: Can you share more about your decision process and how you decided what to remove from your launch process?
  • [40:29] Billy: What was the biggest objection from people who you knew were a good fit for the program?
  • [44:08] April: I hate doing live launches. Are there any other suggestions on how I can avoid the whole "live launch" formula?
  • [49:56] April: In the sales emails, how much do you segment?
  • [52:40] John: Do you do joint webinars or appearances with every affiliate partner?
  • [53:21] John: What makes one webinar convert better than another?