Rock Your Affiliate Program

Getting Started: Welcome!

Training Agreements

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Welcome to Rock Your Affiliate Program, [accessally_user_firstname]! 

We’re so excited for you to experience the magic of having a full partner program system so you can get more leads and sales through collaboration.

Important: In order to move forward in the training, you will need to check all the boxes in the Getting Started Action Checklist. That will also unlock your first bonus: Your Profitable Launch Plan!

If you have questions at any time about the technical aspects of your members area, you can email [email protected].

Cheers to you rocking your affiliate program!

xo Team Sprinkle


How This Works:

  • This training is designed for you and your team! There are several lessons earmarked for the business owner and most of the training can be delegated to an affiliate concierge point person.
  • If you have any content questions (including tech Qs about setting up your partner program and links), please post in the Facebook Community or submit a Q for our Live Sessions.
  • If you have any technical questions about this training area, links to join our sessions, or you're not receiving our training communications, please reach out to [email protected].
  • You will need to check off ALL the items in the Getting Started Action Checklist to unlock your bonus: Profitable Launch Plan, as well as any other modules as they're released.

In order to say YES to these 8 agreements, please check the boxes in the Getting Started Action Steps area! We're so excited to be cultivating a community of collaboration together.